
Face-to-face contact, will remain a key business and innovation driver in the years to come as was apparent at the recently held third edition of the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition held within the iNNOVATE Tech Show at MATRADE Kuala Lumpur from 19-21 October 2022

After three days at the tradeshow, it is clear that the pandemic will not slow down the process of industrial transformation – to the contrary, businesses must move even faster to achieve the process of digitization and sustainability. Businesses must look at thriving not just locally but also internationally especially as the international borders are opening up again after two years.

As His Excellency Diego Velasco, Ambassador of Chile to Malaysia, said in his speech during the Opening Ceremony, “We are confident that the roles of Chile and Malaysia are well established as hinges and platforms for our respective regions, namely South America and Southeast Asia.

Malaysia being a world leader in drones technology and services, a matter brought up to our attention by the ambassador of Malaysia to Chile H.E. Abu Bakar, we jointly begun to facilitate the bonds between the Association of Chilean pilots of unmanned flying vehicles (drones) -APANT Chile- and its counterpart here MyAIRA, that led to them signing a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the field, signed online in October 2021. This is the first international MoU for APANT Chile and the second one for MyAIRA, after theirs with APARA in Singapore.

From left: Hanniz Lam, Managing Partner of Best Events Productions, Ybrs. Dr. Nor Azlina Ariffin, Undersecretary of the Technology Transfer and R&D Commercialization Division, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) , Dr Syed Omar, CEO of Malvus Sense, His Excellency Diego Velasco, Ambassador of Chile to Malaysia, Sarah Bakri, Managing Partner of Best Events Productions, Safuan Zairi, Chief Ecosystem Development Officer, MRANTI

Malaysia and Chile have collaborated since the signing of those agreements and the Chile joining of APEC and becoming a Development Partner with ASEAN, both with the decided support of Malaysia. Hereby we would like to highlight here once again and express our national gratitude to the Malaysian People.

Now, drones are a new threshold that is poised to be a worldwide challenge, particularly to balance the speed of technology and need of logistic services into society of these flying artifact, and the implications about safety and privacy that their limitless versatility offer.

Indeed, along with the benefits such as its myriad of applications in agriculture, mining, science, research, emergencies, medical support in faraway locations, and different services from deliveries to warehousing and stock control, there is a new field for both national and international legislation on drones that it is evolving.
In 10 years´ time, what was a science fiction matter in the 1990s may be a flying daily reality of urban and rural landscapes.”

From left: Hanniz Lam, Managing Partner of Best Events Productions, Ybrs. Dr. Nor Azlina Ariffin, Undersecretary of the Technology Transfer and R&D Commercialization Division, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), Sarah Bakri, Managing Partner of Best Events Productions, Lee Ismail, CEO of Meraque, and His Excellency Diego Velasco, Ambassador of Chile to Malaysia

On the local front, Ybrs. Dr. Nor Azlina Ariffin, Undersecretary of the Technology Transfer and R&D Commercialization Division, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) who officiated the Opening of the event said “Malaysia’s adoption and application of digital and advanced technology to create and unlock new opportunities will maximise the potential of the digital economy as well as achieve inclusive, responsible and sustainable socio-economic growth.

Malaysia will also aggressively attract investment in the digital economy to become the regional leader. The focus will be on mainstreaming digitalisation for inclusive development, accelerating R&D&C&I as well as capitalising on the potential of advanced technology.”

Just looking at all the technologies on display here, these are solutions to real business problems such as labour shortage, inefficient production lines, poor customer service, use of human beings for dangerous work. It is fascinating to see how far we have come from just two years ago. We can now confidently say that even farmers and lorry drivers can work remotely with the use of Artificial Intelligence and robots.” declared Ms. Hanniz Lam, Managing Partner of Best Events Productions Sdn Bhd, the company producing the iNNOVATE Tech Show and Global Drone Conference & Exhibition 2022.

While having 40 local and international exhibitors, 60 speakers, 1705 trade visitors from 42 countries, 5 product launches and 3 MoUs signed within the three days, may be considered a small event for some, we view this event as a preview of bigger trade shows. It is our way of instilling confidence in companies to take part in bigger events that we are planning in the near future.” Ms. Lam adds.

YB Dato´ Sri Dr. Adham bin Baba, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation officiating the launch of Meraque’s Drone EduKit at the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition while Meraque’s CEO Lee Ismail looks on happily

Malvus Sense launched their ONEDrone Insurance at the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition 2022

SME Corp CEO Rizal Nainy officially launching VStream Revolution’s Advancing 1st Malaysian Droneinsurance.store Ecosystem with VStream Revolution’s CEO Saravanan Chettiar at the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition 2022

DJI Agriculture Malaysia organized a Drone Flight Demo of the DJI Agras T40 at the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition 2022

It is worthy to note that not only non-profit associations such as Malaysia Japan Economic Association (MAJECA) and Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) were supportive of the trade show. Government agencies such as InvestKL, MRANTI, MDEC, SME Corp and MyCEB also showed their support.

As a Supporting Partner to the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition, MRANTI invited YB Dato´ Sri Dr. Adham bin Baba, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation to make a special announcement during the event about the plan to dispatch 200 drones to flood hotspots nationwide as an early measure towards facing the coming monsoon season.

He said the drones under the Special Emergency Drone Task Force (PTK2Dron2022) initiative coordinated by the Malaysia Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation (MRANTI) could support and help rescue work by disaster management agencies.

MRANTI also hosted Drone Regulation Talks and the Drone Career Day inviting local universities to apply for jobs in the drone industry as part of the Malaysian Drone Technology Action Plan 2022-2030 (MDTAP30) a national agenda to support the drone ecosystem in Malaysia, which has the potential to generate growth of RM50.71 billion to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and can create 100,000 job opportunities by 2030.

It is important that politicians now keep their word and provide the appropriate framework conditions so that the momentum of the trade fair can be translated into concrete action. We are looking forward to seeing even more exhibitors from abroad next year.” An attendee of the show shared.

Trade show visitors learned how drones are used for data acquisition using a range of drones equipped with high-end sensors or cameras for agriculture, land management, disaster management and security and surveillance to robots used in plantations. The iNNOVATE Tech Show and Global Drone Conference & Exhibition offered a broad picture of the technological options for the industry of today and tomorrow.

YB Dato´ Sri Dr. Adham bin Baba officiating the launch of the Aeronerve Institute as Aeronerve CEO Muslim Abdullah Zaik looks on

AirAsia Drones showcased the possibility of urban drone deliveries in the near future

MRANTI hosted the Drone Regulation Talks at the Global Drone Conference. From left: Colonel Agung Sasongkojati “Sharky” from the Indonesia Air Force, his second time taking part in the Global Drone Conference, Captain Illyaquila Fateen Ismail of the
Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM), Mej. Nurzatul Iffah Bt Abdul Malek,
Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Mr. Rustam Bin Samsul
SIRIM QAS INTERNATIONAL SDN. BHD., Mr Safuan Zairi, Chief Ecosystem Development Officer of MRANTI and Wan Farhan, Head of DroneTech, MRANTI 


Panel Talk on The Fusion of EO, AI, and Drones for Better Global Disaster Management.

From left: Sheriffah Noor Khamseah Al-Idid Dato’ Syed Ahmad Idid (Innovation & Nuclear Advocate), Col. Agung Sasongkojati “Sharky”
(Indonesian Air Force/FASI), Safuan Zairi (MRANTI) and LT (PA) Ts Senthelnathan Kaindasamy (Malaysia Civil Defence Force)

MRANTI also hosted the Drone Career Day inviting local universities to apply for jobs in the drone industry as part of the Malaysian Drone Technology Action Plan 2022-2030 (MDTAP30) a national agenda to support the drone ecosystem in Malaysia, which has the potential to generate growth of RM50.71 billion to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and can create 100,000 job opportunities by 2030.

Dr Yasir Mohd Mustafah,Head Aerial Robotics Centre (CUTE) & Deputy Director of IIUM; Dr Mohd Nazri Mohd Nasir, Senior Lecturer, Aeronautics Dept. of UTM; Ir. Narendran Ramasenderan, Head of Center of Research of IOT, Asia Pacific University (APU); Azhar Selamat, President, Kelab Remaja Udara Malaysia
Moderator – Wan Farhan, Head of DroneTech, MRANTI

Aonic – Raymond Mark Lee, Head of People

Malvus Sense- Dr Syed Omar Syed Mohamad, CEO

Meraque – Suria Affandi, Director

Moderator – Syukran Idris, CEO Moteevasi

In the Closing Ceremony of the event, the Raja Muda of Perlis, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Ibni Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Jamalullail said “Under IR 4.0, digital transformation technology catalyzes the digital economy, including the green and sustainable economy, which are vital in preparing Malaysia for an ever-changing, challenging future.

Digital domains will eventually merge with physical and biological domains through the pervasive evolution of digital transformation technology.

It is essential for the private sector to lead a responsible and sustainable approach in providing products and services and develop innovative solutions to improve our social and natural impacts on positive endeavors.”

Ending the speech, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra added, “We must be adaptable, enthusiastic about new knowledge, foster an attitude towards lifelong learning, and eager to contribute to a future that reflects our shared belief, values and visions.”

The next Global Drone Conference & Exhibition takes place on 23 & 24 October 2024.

Media Coverage of the iNNOVATE Tech Show by PR Newswire Media Partner Websites – Top Outlets
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Yahoo! Finance Global Online News Sites & Other Influencers Media & Information 47,428,093[1] visitors/month
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ET Net Hong Kong Online News Sites & Other Influencers Financial 2,153,280 visitors/day
The Korea Herald Republic of Korea Newspaper General 1,196,406[1] visitors/month
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AsiaOne.com Singapore Online News Sites & Other Influencers Media & Information 949,530 visitors/day
PinoyTechSaga Philippines Blog Tech 317,688 visitors/day
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Australian Associated Press [AAP] Australia News & Information Service Media & Information 166,216[1] visitors/month
Intellasia Australia Online News Sites & Other Influencers Retail & Consumer 113,820 visitors/day
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PR Newswire Asia Mainland China PR Newswire Media & Information 36,977[1] visitors/month
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*The data cited here by SimilarWeb represents site traffic data of worldwide unique visitors on desktop and mobile devices. Data is updated monthly.

News about the Special Emergency Drone Task Force (PTK2Dron2022) initiative coordinated by the Malaysia Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation (MRANTI) announced at the Global Drone Conference & Exhibition 2022

1. The Star – https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/10/20/ministry-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots-says-dr-adham-baba

2. Malay Mail – https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/10/20/mosti-says-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots/34710

3. The Sun Daily – https://www.thesundaily.my/local/mosti-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots-KA10014394

4. Bernama (BM) – https://www.bernama.com/bm/news.php?id=2130757

5. Metro TV – https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2022/10/894478/guna-200-dron-untuk-persediaan-banjir-metrotv

6. Harian Metro – https://www.hmetro.com.my/mutakhir/2022/10/894457/200-dron-digunakan-pantau-hotspot-banjir

7. Sinar Harian – https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/226851/berita/nasional/200-unit-dron-sedia-dihantar-ke-lokasi-hotspot-banjir

8. Sinar Daily – https://www.sinardaily.my/article/182358/malaysia/national/mosti-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots-

9. Harakah Daily – https://harakahdaily.net/index.php/2022/10/20/mosti-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots/

10. UMNO Online – https://umno-online.my/2022/10/20/melancarkan-inisiatif-pasukan-tindakan-khas-kecemasan-dron-2022/

11. Utusan Borneo – https://www.utusanborneo.com.my/2022/10/20/200-unit-dron-sedia-dihantar-ke-lokasi-hotspot-banjir

12. Newswav – https://newswav.com/article/A2210_wkIhdg

13. Bernama (Eng) – https://www.bernama.com/en/news.php?id=2130789

14. Oriental Daily – https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/nation/2022/10/20/520270

15. China Press – https://www.chinapress.com.my/?p=3162218

16. The Borneo Post Sabah – https://www.nama.com.my/PRINT_NEWS/2022/10/21/20221021_N60_BOR_HM_7_FC_6900332022102101010101007_-R0H-IMBIQK_MHU4GCI2.JPG

17. BeritaKini Biz – https://beritakini.biz/kementerian-menyediakan-200-dron-untuk-dihantar-ke-kawasan-panas-banjir-kata-dr-adham-baba/

18. Kwik News – https://www.kwiknews.com.my/2022/10/20/ministry-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots-says-dr-adham-baba/

19. Malaysia China Insight – https://www.malaysiachinainsight.com/2022/10/20/mosti-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots/

20. Melaka Hari Ini – https://www.melakahariini.my/200-unit-dron-sedia-dihantar-ke-lokasi-hotspot-banjir/

21. SeeHua online – https://news.seehua.com/?p=888439

22. Capital Post.my – https://www.capitalpost.com.my/ministry-preparing-200-drones-to-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots-says-dr-adham-baba/

23. The Vibes – https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/74764/200-drones-will-be-sent-to-flood-hotspots-mosti

24. Nasional FM – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_NAS-0500PM_7.MP3

25. ERA FM – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221021_R60_ERA-0800AM_3.MP3

26. Sinar FM 11am – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221021_R60_SNR-1100AM_1.MP3

27. Sinar FM 12pm – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221021_R60_SNR-1200PM_3.MP3

28. Berita.rtm – https://berita.rtm.gov.my/index.php/semasa/49278-dron-bantu-petugas-penyelamat-adham-baba

29. Malaysia Sejahtera – https://www.malaysiasejahtera.org/2022/10/am-200-unit-dron-sedia-dihantar-ke.html

30. Bernama 24 Radio 6pm – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_B24-0600PM_4.MP3

31. Bernama 24 Radio 7pm – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_B24-0700PM_4.MP3

32. BFM 6pm- https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_BFM-0600PM_2.MP3

33. BFM 730pm – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_BFM-0730PM_2.MP3

34. Lite FM 6pm- https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_LTE-0600PM_1.MP3

35. Lite FM 7pm – https://www.nama.com.my/RADIO_NEWS/RADIOCLIP/MAGI/20221020_R60_LTE-0700PM_2.MP3

36. RTM 1 – https://www.nama.com.my/VIDEO/TVCLIP/MAGI/20221020_T60_TV1-0500PM_5.MP4

37. RTM 2 – https://www.nama.com.my/VIDEO/TVCLIP/MAGI/20221020_T60_TV2-0700PM_5.MP4


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